Wednesday, January 1, 1997

The Quiet Game

Wednesday, January 1, 1997
The Quiet Game is simple. Whoever is quietest gets to line up first; a most desirable thing, of course. Teacher is the judge of who makes the least noise.
We finished a lesson early, so we played the quiet game before we got to go out to recess. I'm being crowded by people as we all sit on the floor, so I slip under a desk. Mr. Farnelof starts picking people who are most quiet and they line up one by one at the door. Everybody but me gets picked, which is quite unfair. As anyone who knows me can attest, I couldn't possibly be the noisiest kid in a class even if I tried, which I wouldn't.
"Last one out turn off the lights and close the door." Says Mr. Farnelof.

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