Monday, May 5, 2008

Monte del Sol Alumni Survey

Monday, May 5, 2008
This is an email sent out by Jenny. She wants feedback from MDS alumni. Please take a second to fill it out! email it back to her at

Dear Alumni of Monte del Sol (MdS):

We are creating an alumni database to better inform our teaching and school structure, and to see what effect the education you received at MdS had on your college life or your post MdS plans. We want to assess our teaching practices to assure that our alumni are prepared for life, and to see what impact our emphasis on community had on you. We appreciate your time and assistance with this questionnaire. Your complete answers will help Monte del Sol evolve. Please “reply include message” then answer all the questions.

Thank you, Jenny Noble.

Class of:

1.What were your plans when you left Monte del Sol:
Name of 4-year College:
Name of 2-year College:
Name of Technical or Trade School:
Name of Conservatory:

2.Did you follow this plan? If not, what are you doing now?

3.Relative to your current peers, do you notice anything different (positive or negative) about the education you received at Monte del Sol, either academically or socially?

4.What do you perceive as a weakness of Monte del Sol that could be improved upon to better prepare you for life?

5.What do you perceive as a strength of Monte del Sol that should be preserved at all costs?

6.Do you think MdS was to loose on tardiness, class attendance and homework deadlines? Did these factors make the real world a surprise?

7.Do you think the college counseling services and or special services guided you toward an appropriate school, financial aide or other opportunities? Please explain:

8.Did your experience with Mentorship influence your college choice or major, help you identify interests, or help prepare you for a career, or to learn outside of high school? Please explain:

9.Did your experience in diversity training or any of the clubs on campus help you adjust to new situations?
yes no, explain and identify the training or club:

10.Who influenced you the most in your post-MdS plans?
Guidance counselor:
Case Manager:

If you did not go to college, please stop here.

11.If you left your college or program, what were the reasons?
Courses too challenging
School a poor fit

12.Please type a number between 1 and 5 after each subject to rate your preparation for college level work in that subject; 5=excellent, 4=above average, 3=average, 2=below average, and 1=not prepared.
Foreign Language:

13.What teachers and/or subjects at Monte del Sol best prepared you for college?

14.If you had an IEP, did you pursue obtaining services at college?
yes no

15.Were you able to get help at college from advisors, teaching assistants, or your professors?
yes no, explain:

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