Monday, June 16, 2008

World Knowledge Bank

Monday, June 16, 2008
Today I went to a meeting I wasn't sure I wanted to be at. It was the advisory "Circle" meeting of The World Knowledge Bank. My name was given to the founder, Ann, by a woman, Merle, and this is a very very small town. So apparently I'm on the board, and I can't help feeling it's because I'm young and female. Actually, they've as good as Stated that's why I'm there. "The voice of young women is so important..."
Anyway. My initial feelings about this group were less than joyous or even benevolent. It seems like I should know of them through my grassroots things; through Cranes for Peace or some related group or person; and indeed Kathy Sanchez from Tewa Women United was there, who I know through The Gathering for Mother Earth. But it also rings some bells in my current world, sounding almost like another EDC project, and because my name was given by Merle. Maybe another time I'll go into the social dynamics of Santa Fe, but anyone who lives here knows how daunting a task that is.
The idea of the WKB is currently in carnation as a website. You sign up for an account, and post ideas or other intellectual property, either offering it for sale or for free.
What's wrong with this picture? I'm a native of Information Culture, which includes such things as the internet, schools, and libraries. Information Culture is, by culture, a Gift Economy in which the two "currencies", if you will, are Information and Clout or Kudos. There is no monetary reward. You give away information, and depending on how valuable that information is (measured by how it is used, how often and to what extent), you gain clout. That is the world I belong in.
This idea of the WKB... it seems a perversion to me. Information should be freely given. Not sold. Furthermore, since this is incarnated through the internet, I fail to see how this is an economically viable solution. Why would you pay for something that is already free? This information that they will be selling is very likely available for "free" online already.
There are other points, and maybe I'll go into them later if I have time.

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