Monday, December 1, 2008

The Game

Monday, December 1, 2008
It's always annoyed me that most adults won't participate at all in youth culture. I understand not going to concerts that blast bad music where two out of every three kids are high on something. I don't enjoy those either. I can also understand not having time to go hang out somewhere, or even to carry on an extended conversation.
But the little things. The inability to be candid with us; to tell us what's really going on. The perpetual treatment of us as extensions of our parents. When adults have a problem with us, they don't talk to us, they talk to our parents.
What set me off this time is The Game. The Game is very simple. The point is not to think about the Game. If you think of the Game, you lose. Every time you lose, you have to announce that you've lost, making everyone in earshot also lose.
Yes, at first glance it's an absolute waste of time. But it's an excellent ice-breaker, since almost all kids play, and if they don't you get to explain it to them. Adults won't play though. All it would take is some reaction, once in a while, to someone announcing they've lost. It's a little time wasted, but not much. Especially considering how much time adults waste trying to bond with their charges.

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