Saturday, June 21, 2008


Saturday, June 21, 2008
On the weekend of the 21st and 22nd, I went to an event called SIMSOC, or Simulated Society. I couldn't stay for the whole time, so I ended up being an observer instead of a participant. Which was fine by me.
Now, there are a few people who know that I've been talking about using role play as a simulation for a while now. To the point of approaching a handful of people asking for previous research on the subject, and attempting to make plans for actually Doing so until I realized I would drive myself nuts if I tried to plan anything during my crazy summer months (the original idea was to run something in conjunction with Peace Day, mooching off of the already gathered crowd).
This is precisely what I'd been talking about, except with a different focus; at least in the run I saw. The focus I wanted was not as a training ground, but as an experiment. I wanted to know how societies were formed. They'd transplanted a youth communication training program, so that was what the focus was on. Totally appropriate, just not what I wanted.
If ever I find the time, I might actively pursue another run of the program with the focus on something I'm more interested in. I know some others who would be interested in the same focus I'd like to see, and I might consider fanning their interest.

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