Monday, August 18, 2008


Monday, August 18, 2008
People who make up idioms on the spot and expect you to understand them should be shot.
People who use words inappropriately should be shot.
People who use words that they don't understand should be shot.
People who use non-specific terms to mean specific things should be shot..
People who use several different terms to mean the same damn thing should be shot.
People who use ambiguous words without defining them by context should be shot.
People who use ambiguous words that Cannot be defined by context should be shot.

People who do these things to words and terms that I Need To Use In Order To Say What I Mean and therefore Steal The Meaning Of My Words WILL have their tongues cut out, be torn to pieces by dogs, have holy water sprinkled on them, be burned at the stake, have mushrooms planted in their ashes, and then be blasted out into space. And I still won't be satisfied.

(aka "Cognitive Tools" does not, for the life of me, mean digital tools. It means MENTAL tools. Thought Processes. Not keyboards.)

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