Monday, August 11, 2008

I Feel Old.

Monday, August 11, 2008
Last night I went to see Batman at 14. Those of you who know the place will know what I mean when I say that rank immaturity prevails there. I've always thought so. And I've never considered myself a part of that. Or so I thought. Last night I thought the same thing. And suddenly realized that I have no right to think that, because I am Not one of them Anymore.
Part of my disgruntlement with mallrats, plazarats, movierats, and what have you, is that they brought down the perceived intelligence of youth culture at large. Last night I realized that I no longer have a stake in that. What I felt while watching them was still offense, and was still disgust, but it was no longer personal. I felt sad for them, but not personally affronted. I was ashamed for them, but not of them.
It was sympathy, sincere sympathy, but not empathy.

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