Saturday, May 2, 2009

Necessity Thoughts for AR Grant

Saturday, May 2, 2009
What do we need to pull off a project using AR? What are my needs? What roles will there be and what do they need?

Grant Money:
Financial Needs:
• Pay people to work. It may be only a pittance, but pay people Something for the work they do. Moreover, no way in hell I'm doing this on my own.
• Financial stability for myself
• Pocket PCs. This is what AR Gaming uses to play the game. Are there other (cheaper) options?
• Someone to do bookkeeping. I'm crap at it, and that's not going to work.
• Travel for publicity and to present findings.
• Researcher
• Office Supplies

Financial Wants:
• Stipends/Swag for Students
• Events
• Travel for (a few) students to external events

Immediate Project Goals for Students:
• Efficacy
• Deeper Understanding
• Community Connection
• Location-based Problem Solving
• Application to Other (external) Problems

Personal Goals:
• Learn Grant Writing
• Get a feel for Financials
• Financial Stability
• Keep Busy
• Start and Run an "Official" (aka Validated) Project

Roles and what they do:
• Students - Choose and Create Project
• Teachers - Recruit?
• Facilitators - Guide, Troubleshoot, Recruit...

Specific People to Keep Around (who are all busy all the time...):
• Irene
• Erik
• Marika

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